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“Invest in Our Planet” - Earth Day 2023

Each year Earth Day comes around and provides an opportunity for business to promote its green agenda and get employees involved with thinking and doing deeds to help the environment. It is estimated that around 1 billion people are involved in Earth Day each year.

The organisers of Earth Day this year have given the theme as “invest in Our Planet”, which is intended to focus this year on two key themes which are around saving humanity from the climate crisis and building green economies in every country so that everyone benefits from the green revolution. 

There is still time to get involved and take some action at work or individually to support Earth Day. You can register your events here https://www.earthday.org/actions/register-your-earth-day-event/ or use the map to find an event you can join https://www.earthday.org/earth-day-2023/ or simply get some similar minded colleagues together and do something practical like litter pick your local environment. Check out the Action Toolkit here https://www.earthday.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/ED23-Action-Toolkit.pdf

Whatever you are doing, or if you’ve not decided use at least part of the day to think about what you can be doing differently to help the only planet we’ve got.

You can also check out if iqms Learning can help you or your business with your Environmental training needs, see which courses we provide https://iqmslearning.co.uk/courses/environmental or contact us directly for further assistance.

by iqms Learning LtdApr 24 2023
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